Seaport Wiki

Available during the Christmas event in 2016 (Nov 29th - Jan 20th, 2017).

John Taylor I[]

John Taylor I
Contracts info
Contracts: 30
Voyage: 2h
Crew: 20 Crew
Ships: Sailing (Anchor slot 1)
Contractor requirements
Level: 20
Recommended: 25
20 Sock


# Required Bonus* Cargo** Xp Reward
1 300 Coin x10 30 200 500 Fish
2 180 Wood x6 30 220 60 Stone
3 80 Iron x4 20 240 200 Wood
4 210 Fish x7 30 260 1,000 Coin
5 100 Stone x5 20 280 250 Wood
6 150 Crew x1 150 310 100 Iron
7 40 Pony x2 20 340 1,400 Coin
8 300 Wood x6 50 370 700 Fish
9 160 Iron x4 40 400 200 Stone
10 450 Coin x10 45 430 10 Sock
11 420 Fish x7 60 470 800 Wood
12 50 Pony x2 25 510 250 Iron
13 200 Stone x5 40 550 1,800 Coin
14 300 Crew x1 300 590 900 Fish
15 600 Coin x10 60 630 400 Iron
16 420 Wood x6 70 680 400 Stone
17 240 Iron x4 60 730 10 Sock
18 630 Fish x7 90 780 2,800 Coin
19 300 Stone x5 60 830 1,100 Wood
20 70 Pony x2 35 880 600 Iron
21 540 Wood x6 90 940 1,100 Fish
22 450 Crew x1 450 1,000 600 Stone
23 750 Coin x10 75 1,060 1,400 Wood
24 320 Iron x4 80 1,120 1,300 Fish
25 400 Stone x5 80 1,180 10 Sock
26 840 Fish x7 120 1,250 5,000 Coin
27 90 Pony x2 45 1,320 2,000 Wood
28 600 Crew x1 600 1,390 1,000 Iron
29 1,050 Coin x10 105 1,460 800 Stone
30 780 Wood x6 130 1,530 1,600 Fish


Sent Reward Difference
Crew 1,500 −1,500
Coin 3,150 12,000 8,850
Fish 2,100 6,100 4,000
Wood 2,220 5,750 3,530
Stone 1,000 2,060 1,060
Iron 800 2,350 1,550
Pony 250 −250
Sock 30 30
Xp 21,950 21,950


# Story
1 One day on riverside
Do you need a ferry across the river? Or are you just enjoying the impressive London scenery? The view is wonderful from the other side too. For a small fee I will take you across.
2 Not so common
My name is John. I know, it's just the most common name there is. At least you won't forget it. Especially after what I am planning. Don't panic, I am not going to drown you.
3 Road to fame
I am planning an unusual trip, from London to the sea on a paper boat. In the middle of winter, it's crazy, you think? Maybe, but I won't become famous by being normal.
4 Mysterious fish
Here we are, safely on the south bank. You are welcome to come watch me as I set off from London harbor. If you can, bring some fish. They are an important part in the scheme.
5 You came!
You wonder why I asked for the fish. Attached to sticks, they will serve as paddles. I got this idea when the neighbor's boy threw a rock at me. My head still hurts.
6 Daring but cautious
There is one more favor I would like to ask of you. The paper boat is perfectly safe, but, just in case, could you ask some sailors to be nearby when I sail down the river?
7 Not just for fame
You might have heard, that we are at civil war right now. In the cities it's quite safe, but the mood is low. I hope to distract people with something pleasant in these dark times.
8 Were you watching?
Did you see? I made it, the whole trip from London to the Isle of Sheppey! This is how Columbus must have felt! Now let's start some fire. I am completely drenched.
9 Achoo!
I must have caught a cold on my big adventure. It was still totally worth it. Now I have the base for an exciting story. Just please repair my stove. I can feel the pneumonia closing in.
10 The book is ready
All we need to do, is bring it to the publisher. There is just one problem. I had a little argument with my agent, but a few coins should make him amenable right away.
11 Bookworm
You must be eager to read the book. I have a signed copy for you. I will give it to you at dinner tonight. You cook. I am an adventurous ferryman and poet, not a cook.
12 Reward your helpers
The paper boat trip was a total success. I should thank the neighbor's kid for helping me perfect the idea. Do you know what would make him happy?
13 Stone sculpture?
I would have given him a big rock. He seemed quite fond of them. But, you are right, that might have been dangerous. Nevermind, I have a use for the stones too.
14 Making friends
Christmas will be here soon, and that always makes me feel generous. Call the sailors, who watched over my safe passage, for a drink. There is a cheap inn at the riverside.
15 Thoughtless action
I did not realize how much a sailor can drink. I doubt my pocket does hold the money to cover it all. You wouldn't let me clean the dishes here to pay for it, right?
16 You are a savior
A poet cleaning dishes, that would have been a scandal! Now, let's just repair the chairs and tables the rowdy sailors destroyed. I am never showing my face in this inn again.
17 Second-hand boat
Now, that I am without coin, I am prepared for my next adventure, the penniless pilgrimage. But this time, let's take a proper boat. I bought one already, just the anchor is missing.
18 Tough times
As I will be completely without money, I am ready to beg, work, or do other unseemly things to stay alive. But a solid supply of food for the start will be necessary.
19 A small request
When I am gone, try to repair the roof on my apartment. There is a small lake in my living room each time it rains. And here in London that is quite often.
20 Suspicious Santa
I have had another great idea! I will pretend to be Father Christmas, bringing toys to children in my boat. People will welcome me to their homes, and offer me some food.
21 Scratch that
There is no place for the toys on my boat. I will have to manage without the disguise. But I still need proper paddles. Rowing up the river with fish would not get me far.
22 Bad start
The boat sunk before I left the port. Something must be wrong. Call for some sailors to help me refloat it and fix it. I can't afford a new one. Quick, before the water freezes over!
23 It's snowing
This journey might be cursed by bad luck. I love snow like any other Christmas enthusiast, but, in a boat without roof, it's bad. Go buy some sheet I could use overhead.
24 Big news
The war is over, the king captive. I wonder what will be next, but at least it's safe to travel the country now. So off we go to Scotland! And when I arrive, ready a pot with hot broth!
25 Pigs in rain
You caught up with me. I have been staying with this nice family for a while, they enjoy my poetry. Their pig shed could use a new roof. I am sure you can spare a moment.
26 Life of a writer
Time to return to London, and work on a new book. Pack us some salted fish for the way back, and let's go. I have already the first few verses in my head.
27 The perfect gift
I must complete my next book before Christmas. It will be a perfect gift under the Christmas tree for every poetry lover. I will give it to all my friends, and some toys to their kids.
28 Inspiring inn
My publisher requires 50 more pages for the new book. Yet my adventurous experiences have been already exhausted. But there is a place where the inspiration comes to me easily.
29 Part of research
As I have been soaking up inspiration from the common man's everyday life, I became ensnared in a game of cards. Unfortunately my luck has been a bit shy of late.
30 Have you heard?
The king has been executed. He might not have been the best ruler, but that was a bit cruel. I prefer to avoid politics, however, I can't help but feel that something sinister is coming.
You helped me with all my curious requests, so I have something special for you. I found these warm socks at a flea market, the seller said they belonged to Father Christmas. For real!

John Taylor II[]

John Taylor II
Contracts info
Contracts: 30
Voyage: 2h
Crew: 60 Crew
Ships: Sailing (Anchor slot 1)
Contractor requirements
Level: 40
Recommended: 50
Complete: John Taylor I
30 Sock


# Required Bonus* Cargo** Xp Reward
1 1,600 Iron x8 200 1,700 1,000 Stone
2 3,500 Fish x14 250 1,850 10,000 Coin
3 2,200 Stone x10 220 2,000 4,000 Wood
4 200 Pony x3 67 2,150 2,000 Iron
5 1,200 Crew x1 1,200 2,300 2,000 Stone
6 4,800 Wood x12 400 2,500 8,000 Fish
7 5,000 Coin x20 250 2,700 15 Sock
8 2,600 Iron x8 325 2,900 5,000 Stone
9 4,900 Fish x14 350 3,100 6,500 Wood
10 400 Pony x3 133 3,300 15,000 Coin
11 3,400 Stone x10 340 3,550 7,000 Iron
12 8,000 Coin x20 400 3,800 12,000 Fish
13 6,600 Wood x12 550 4,050 15 Sock
14 1,600 Crew x1 1,600 4,300 9,000 Stone
15 7,000 Fish x14 500 4,550 20,000 Coin
16 3,800 Iron x8 475 4,850 12,000 Wood
17 300 Ctree x3 100 5,150 17,000 Fish
18 4,600 Stone x10 460 5,450 30,000 Coin
19 8,400 Wood x12 700 5,750 11,000 Iron
20 12,000 Coin x20 600 6,050 20,000 Fish
21 2,000 Crew x1 2,000 6,450 11,000 Stone
22 9,800 Fish x14 700 6,850 16,000 Wood
23 4,000 Iron x8 500 7,250 40,000 Coin
24 6,600 Stone x10 660 7,650 25,000 Fish
25 10,800 Wood x12 900 8,050 15 Bell
26 500 Ctree x3 167 8,550 17,000 Iron
27 16,000 Coin x20 800 9,050 13,000 Stone
28 2,500 Crew x1 2,500 9,550 23,000 Wood
29 13,300 Fish x14 950 10,050 50,000 Coin
30 5,600 Iron x8 700 10,550 16,000 Stone


Sent Reward Difference
Crew 7,300 −7,300
Coin 41,000 165,000 124,000
Fish 38,500 82,000 43,500
Wood 30,600 61,500 30,900
Stone 16,800 57,000 40,200
Iron 17,600 37,000 19,400
Pony 600 −600
Ctree 800 −800
Sock 30 30
Bell 15 15
Xp 156,000 156,000


# Story
1 It's a catastrophe!
Christmas has been banned! I knew the change in government would be bad. Pen is mightier than the sword, so bring me the mightiest pen you can find. I will do what I can best, write.
2 Christmas blues
I have been already planning a Christmas party, bought so many gifts, and released a new book ready for the Christmas sales. And now this! Let me bury my sorrow in food.
3 Why did it happen?
The puritans came to power now, and they say Christmas is not in the Bible. To make it all worse, the roof on my apartment is leaking again. This will be a cold unpleasant winter.
4 I won't accept this!
To show my disapproval, I will wear this red cape now, it's also pleasantly warm. And let's buy as many presents as we can and give them to strangers. I don't care if I get arrested.
5 Voice of the people
Distracted by my outrage, I forgot I wanted to write a poem to protest this nonsense. But first, let's go ask the good men and women of our city for their honest opinions.
6 I have all I need
I will have to substitute a few harsh words used by the lads in harbor, but otherwise they were quite inspiring. Before I start, add a few logs to the hearth, the cold is creeping in.
7 Poem is finished
Short but apt. Take it to the local newspaper to publish it in the next issue. You will need some money to persuade them. They will probably get a fine for publishing it.
8 Now we wait
With my poem I hope to wake a large public upheaval for the reinstalling of Christmas. Until people rise up, we can shovel the snow from my front door.
9 Sinful Christmas
They say it serves only to excessively indulge in alcohol, unhealthy food and gambling. And that we should celebrate by fasting and restraint. Not me!
10 More cruelty
I went to the Riverside Inn yesterday, but guess what? The police closed it! Just like many others in the city. Are we supposed to just work all day, then play with toys at home?
11 Extreme measures
When peaceful protests are not successful, you have to get inspiration from a little kid. Bring only the small rocks, we don't want to hurt anyone. Just make a little mess.
12 Cold cell
You might have to pay a small fine to get me out of jail. A grown man can't get away with things that a child can. Unfortunately. Now, bring the money, it's freezing here.
13 New idea
When you are locked in a cell, you have a lot of time to think. So listen up! First we will need passage on a ship. I have no money, so we will help unload cargo in the port.
14 Just like I hoped
I convinced the captain to take us North. Just go find the sailors, we are ready to go. I am now considered to be a subversive element, so it will be good to be away for a while.
15 New story
To pass the time until we arrive, I started writing a new story about Father Christmas who visits our country and despairs. I need only food, otherwise I don't wish to be disturbed.
16 Secret unveiled
We are sailing to Norway. They have the most beautiful pine trees, especially grown to become Christmas trees. Prepare the saws, and make sure they are sharp.
17 We are here
Don't worry, the pines grow here really fast, the cold and damp weather is perfect for them. Even if we cut off a few, the forest will be dense in no time again.
18 Cottage in the woods
I have found this abandoned forester's cottage near the pine forest. We can stay here while we get all the trees we need. Just build a fireplace inside, or we will freeze.
19 White all around
There must be at least two meters of snow here. There is never so much snow in London. It's quite trying to get through it. We will need a sturdy sled to get the trees to the ship.
20 Deer of the North
There is a village nearby. Go ask some good farmer to lend us a reindeer to pull the sled. They have here reindeer instead of horses, right? Give him a few coins for the trouble.
21 At the pier
Call the sailors to help us load the trees on the ship. I bet they are just sitting in the ship and shivering, hoping we will leave soon. A bit of work will warm them up.
22 Norwegian salmon
I have heard there are the most excellent salmon in the Norwegian fjords. Get your fishing gear out, and let's catch some. Just don't fall into the water, it's freezing cold.
23 Skillful fisherman
That's a lot of salmon, and there are other fish too. Let's smoke them to make them last the voyage back to England. Spread them on the iron racks, and I will start fire.
24 Good servant
The wind is carrying away all the smoke. Pile up some rocks to create walls, and trap it here. It will also prevent a wildfire. It would be sad if the beautiful forest burned to ash.
25 Let it burn
Now I smell like a smoked sausage. But I love a good sausage, so no harm done. Unlike me, our fish are not yet smoky enough, and the fire is burning out. We need more firewood.
26 After inspection
We still have enough free space in the cargo hold of our ship. Go to the forest, and get some more pine trees. Just don't sink into deep snow, or we will never find you again.
27 It's not cheap here
What I would do for a steaming hot tea with rum or a mulled wine. Let's go visit the local inn, maybe someone there will play cards. You know that Norway is quite expensive, right?
28 Drinks for all
Call our shipmates to have a drink with us, too. We still have some money left for them to drink a bit, but not so much, that they won't be able to take us home.
29 Return of the poet
We have all we need now. Time we returned home. I hope the seeds of Christmas rebellion we sought have already taken roots. Now we bring our trees to make them even stronger.
30 Windy winter
The North Sea is restless today. I wanted a respite from the ice cold shower, but was almost crushed by a tree, when I went below deck. Use the chains to keep the trees in place.
You helped me with all my curious requests, so I have something special for you. I found these warm socks at a flea market, the seller said they belonged to Father Christmas. For real!

John Taylor III[]

John Taylor III
Contracts info
Contracts: 20
Voyage: 2h
Crew: 90 Crew
Ships: Sailing (Anchor slot 1)
Contractor requirements
Level: 80
Recommended: 100
Complete: John Taylor II
40 Bell


# Required Bonus* Cargo** Xp Reward
1 36,000 Wood x24 1,500 15,000 60,000 Coin
2 25,000 Stone x20 1,250 16,000 48,000 Fish
3 1,000 Ctree x4 250 17,000 12,000 Iron
4 70,000 Coin x40 1,750 18,000 80,000 Wood
5 3,000 Crew x1 3,000 19,000 20,000 Stone
6 56,000 Fish x28 2,000 21,000 20 Bell
7 24,000 Iron x16 1,500 23,000 120,000 Coin
8 54,000 Wood x24 2,250 25,000 96,000 Fish
9 35,000 Stone x20 1,750 27,000 16,000 Iron
10 4,000 Crew x1 4,000 29,000 200,000 Coin
11 1,250 Ctree x4 313 32,000 100,000 Wood
12 63,000 Fish x28 2,250 35,000 22,000 Iron
13 100,000 Coin x40 2,500 38,000 150,000 Wood
14 55,000 Stone x20 2,750 41,000 150,000 Fish
15 48,000 Iron x16 3,000 44,000 350,000 Coin
16 84,000 Wood x24 3,500 49,000 65,000 Stone
17 1,500 Ctree x4 375 54,000 28,000 Iron
18 5,000 Crew x1 5,000 59,000 20 Bell
19 105,000 Fish x28 3,750 64,000 75,000 Stone
20 140,000 Coin x40 3,500 69,000 40,000 Iron


Sent Reward Difference
Crew 12,000 −12,000
Coin 310,000 730,000 420,000
Fish 224,000 294,000 70,000
Wood 174,000 330,000 156,000
Stone 115,000 160,000 45,000
Iron 72,000 118,000 46,000
Ctree 3,750 −3,750
Bell 40 40
Xp 695,000 695,000


# Story
1 A bleak city
London looks just like when we left, bleak and dark. When we place the trees on the streets, everything will get merrier, you'll see. Now we just need carts to transport them.
2 Under cover of night
We will mark the spots, where the trees should be placed, with these rocks. Here is a map, take care of the southern part of the city. But be careful that the policemen don't spot you.
3 Decorating trees
Nobody saw you? Good. Now bring the Christmas trees from the ship. I hope you decorated them well. With apples, nuts and cookies. Candles will be a nice touch, too.
4 Costly information
Let's find out what happened while we were gone. I have some informants in the city, who supply me with the juiciest news for my stories. They will want some coins for the information.
5 Unsteady situation
We may have a chance to get our Christmas back. Call people from the port to make a Christmas protest in the city. And give them some red capes as the symbol of our cause.
6 Fresh or foul
I have learned that rocks are no way to get what we want. But fish might be more persuasive. Let's use the old, smelly ones. The fishermen on the pier will happily supply us.
7 Sent home
We were lucky not to end up in a cell. And now I can concentrate on making these wonderful iron ornaments for Christmas trees. Come, help me, it's really easy.
8 It's a secret
I will be having a Christmas party. Just a small event with the tree, lot's of food, and some gifts. But we will have to keep it quiet. Help me clean up the living room.
9 Special invites
You must not tell anyone about it. Or we would all end up celebrating Christmas in prison. I will send out coded invitations etched on these little rocks. Clever, right?
10 Silent and unseen
Take some guys with you, and place the rocks at my friends' front doors. Just don't let anyone throw them through windows. That would make an unwelcome turmoil.
11 Tree in every garden
Do you love the fresh smell of pine needles like me? I just can't get enough of it. Let's share this joy and give out the trees to people in my neighborhood. Plant them in their gardens.
12 Crispy carp
Do you know that in the central Europe fish is the traditional Christmas meal? It is usually a baked carp. Well, I don't mind trying something new on this special day.
13 Perfect pastry
But we can't eat only fish. There is a great bakery around the corner. Buy the Christmas pudding, yule log and gingerbread. I want them all freshly baked, straight from the oven.
14 Tumultuous days
There are soldiers on the streets. Something is happening. Come with me, we are going to find out what's going on. Just pretend like you are delivering something to avoid suspicion.
15 Safe at home
They go to the parliament. This will be an eventful night before Christmas. I am afraid this could end up with violence. I am a peaceful man, so we better go home and bar the doors.
16 Time of change
The neighbor was just here with the latest news. We have a change in government again. A new king is on the throne. I hope this means a return of the old ways for us.
17 Christmas is back!
Together with abolishing all laws established during the puritan government, the new king lifted the ban on Christmas. We are free to celebrate excessively again.
18 Festive dinner
I don't know if our effort made a difference, but the important thing is, we don't have to hide or protest anymore. Come, and call all your friends and family to celebrate a merry Christmas.
19 Fish for everyone
This holiday is all about giving and kindness, so let's offer some food to the less fortunate. There are plenty fish in the sea, which can feed many families.
20 Long live Christmas!
I have never forsaken hope that we will get our Christmas back. I did not sell as many books as I wanted to, but this is still the best Christmas I could wish for.
We have made it to a happy end together. For staying with me through this hard winter time, I give you these beautiful Golden Bells. They are a perfect decoration for a Christmas tree.